So I take over the driving for the second half of the day to get us to Amarillo. All of the sudden our phones start ringing that emergency warning sound.  Travis
picks up the phone to find out it is a Tornado Warning.  IMG_1678The weather looked fine to us so we just kept driving.  Later we find out that the Tornado struck about 50 miles directly south of where we were driving.  The most exciting non-event of the trip, seriously my hash tag is not letting me down. #NeverAdullMoment

The rest of that evening drive took us past round bales of hay, tractors, and windmills.

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We made it into Texas, the route takes us just across the square top of it.  The tip of the ice berg.

IMG_1732That evening ended with a beautiful sunset.

IMG_1737We finally made it to hotel after dropping Riley off we ran to the local Mexican restaurant.  It was too close in a ½ hour.  Just in time for a very large Margarita.